Big Changes, Small Steps, and Learning Through Life

Big Changes, Small Steps, and Learning Through Life

Birthday Reflections and Lessons Learned

Every year I reflect on:

  • 5 things I am proud of
  • 5 surprising things I learnt
  • 7 things I am grateful for

This year I decided to share this publicly and I hope it helps someone.

Big Changes, Small Steps

Leaving the corporate world of big tech after twenty plus years of working in companies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, etc was a big decision. It wasn’t easy, but joining PlacidCode Labs, a startup software development agency in Atlanta, feels so right.

It’s a new adventure, and while the initial excitement has settled, there’s a quiet satisfaction in building something new. I am still not sure if this is a big corp break or break up but I am legit loving it so far.

Speaking of building, I finally finished writing my first novel, “Chosen Sisters”! It’s a project that has been in my heart for a minute, and getting it done feels soooo good.

Highlights from the year

Luminary Awards happened and we recognised 20 amazing luminaries who are investing and building in their communities. I spoke at my first Ted Talk and was recognised as one of the top 100 women in career in Africa. Built for Balance is thriving with over 1,000 people in our community. Nine months ago we were just 25 humans! God is good.

On a more personal note, I joined a weekly Bible study group. It’s been rewarding to connect with others who share my faith. Every week my mind just explodes with all the new things I am learning about God’s Word. DM me if you want to join me on this journey.

Learning Through Life

This year,

  • I learned that loving is letting go. Give your adult children the gift of living their own lives.
  • I learned not to see networking through the terrified eyes of an introvert but an enriching opportunity to give value to others.
  • I learned people want to live your life for you. Don’t let them.
  • I learned cultivating a growth mindset is a continuous journey that never ends.
  • I learned not all my friends will “level me up” and that is okay.
  • I learned that I am more afraid of not trying than trying and failing.
  • I also learned it is okay not to be okay and there is no shame in asking for help.
Growth is a Journey (Not a Destination)

There are areas I’m still working on.

Sometimes, I dwell on past mistakes and live in a place of deep regret. I’m trying to reframe these past experiences as detours that have led me to where I am today. I am intentionally celebrating my “failures” as stepping stones to success.

There’s also a tendency for me to feel walking away from a situation is a sign of weakness. But learning to let go, when necessary, truly takes maturity.

I also find I can get caught up in “hustle” mentality. This year, I’m making a conscious effort to embrace downtime and simply enjoy quiet moments.

What Matters Most

Above all, I’m grateful.

My faith in God continues to be a source of strength and comfort.

Family is my foundation – my husband, my children, my siblings, my mom, and my amazing friends. They tell me I can do it when I think I cannot, I stand firm in their support and belief in me.

I am also grateful for the dreams God has given me. May He give me the strength and grace to fulfill them.

And finally, I’m grateful for the lessons learned, even the tough ones. The detours, the failures – they’ve all shaped who I am today.


Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.

Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit.

If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.

So here’s to the next chapter. I will remain curious, adventurous, open to new posisbilities and above all keep the audacity to dream big dreams and make them happen.

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