Breaking Through Glass Ceilings. A Pathway to the Top

A Guide for Career Women

Regardless of your profession or gender, building a career and succeeding requires a high level of discipline, a growth mindset, and curiosity. However, it’s a unique game for women. I remember starting my career with my computer engineering degree in my hand and a deep desire to work in a tech role at a multinational company operating in Nigeria. While it seemed like my male colleagues from school were settling quite well in their workplaces, I had to forge my own career path which was practically none existent then. You can catch up on the full story here.

All thanks to evolution and the message of diversity and inclusion which is still spreading across many organisations around the world, we can say there is a slight improvement in women’s involvement in the tech industry compared to when I started out over 20 years ago. An interesting 2023 survey by Women in Tech, shows that women still only account for around 26% of people working in IT which is an improvement from 19% in 2019. So having this conversation still remains critical as more young women continue to build careers, walk up the ranks, and achieve what success means to them.

From being your own enemy by doubting yourself to issues bordering around gender stereotypes, sexual harassment, access to funding, and work-life integration, women building careers get to face a myriad of challenges as they navigate their career journey. While no one said the journey will be easy, here are a few strategies to keep you going when hard work and diligence are not enough.

10 Practical Strategies to Help Career Women Break Through the Glass Ceiling

1. Allow Yourself to Explore

When asked, some people know what jobs they want to be working in ten years from now. However, some others, are yet to get clarity on what they want to do right now. Whichever category you belong to, embrace curiosity and allow yourself to explore new opportunities and possibilities. Moving your career forward and finding your voice in any industry will require you to step out of your comfort zone and take risks. It’s totally fine to try and fail at it. That way, you will discover your strengths, build new skills, recognise your weaknesses, and decide what brings you joy and of course, income.

2. Know Your Why

If you’re not motivated by the right thing(s), you will be distracted by anything, and give up soon enough. Understanding your purpose and knowing your “why” will empower you to stay focused and resilient even when things get tough on your way up.

3. Your Growth is Your Responsibility

No one will invest in you if you haven’t started investing in yourself. Unlike many years ago, the internet has made it easy to access high-quality learning resources so there are no excuses this time! Develop a growth mindset and take ownership of your personal and professional development. Seek feedback and prioritise gaining soft skills as you improve your technical skills. Even when no one is watching and you are not yet getting the recognition you desire at work, remain true to yourself.

4. Celebrate Your Wins and Learn from Your Mistakes

Break things early. Don’t shy away from making mistakes, they are a part of your learning curve and career journey. So when things go wrong, pause and see it as a learning opportunity rather than talking yourself down. And no matter how little your achievements may seem, they are worth celebrating.

5. Be Confident Rather Than Perfect

As you upskill and become an improved professional, you must know how to advocate for yourself because many opportunities would not just drop on your desk. You may need to fight for it and keep proving yourself worthy. A STEM analysis released in March 2023, revealed that young women and men do not significantly differ in their abilities in mathematics and science. But do differ in their interest, confidence, and sense of belonging in the world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). So as a woman in a tech-related field, your confidence must speak louder than your fears.

6. Keep Learning

To achieve the level of confidence you need to shatter the glass ceiling as you navigate your career journey, you must never stop learning. Have faith in your abilities, bet on yourself, and ask questions along the way. By being knowledgeable and gathering experience, you are better equipped to negotiate your way through situations and to the top.

7. Help Others on Their Way Up

You can create a positive ripple effect by helping other women as they also navigate their careers. Currently, Latina, Black, and Indigenous women represent less than 10% of the STEM workforce. Imagine what it would be like if more talented and skilled women like you came on board to disrupt the industry. As you settle into your career, don’t hoard knowledge, advocate for equality, and challenge unfair treatment so that together, we can foster a more inclusive and supportive work culture.

8. Build Your Personal Brand

The world would never know who you are or how skilled you are if you do not show them. One of the most effective ways to do this is by building a strong personal brand that highlights your strengths and contributions to your organisation and industry. You can become recognised by sharing your thoughts on social media, speaking at community events, writing thoughtful articles, and engaging in intelligent conversations.

9. Network and Build Relationships

You may find this uncomfortable at first. But I promise you, building professional networks and relationships can open more doors for you than when you walk alone. No matter how introverted you are, be intentional and get comfortable with building relationships because you most definitely need them on your way up.

10. Show Gratitude

Acknowledge the support you receive from people and never feel entitled. For every mentor, sponsors, colleague, or friend that grants you access to opportunities, do not disappoint them by underperforming. Always seek ways to express gratitude to those who are constantly making your journey easier and positioning you for opportunities.

On that note!

As you embark on discovering and forging a path for yourself in tech or whatever career, remind yourself that you don’t have to be perfect. You just need to be confident and continuously prioritise self-improvement. A great place to start is at the next Built for Balance cohort happening on October 7, 2023. Register now to join business leaders and other professionals for this Career Acceleration session to gain the tools, strategies, and insider knowledge to accelerate your career trajectory in this fast-paced business world.

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